Laboratory of Soil Dynamics and Applied Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Malaysia.
Job rank: Research Assistant (RA) in the field of Geotechnical Engineering and Software Engineering
Job rank: Research Assistant (RA) in the field of Geotechnical Engineering and Software Engineering
Required Language(s): English (eng); and/or Malaysia (malay)
Description: Laboratory of Soil Dynamics and Applied Geotechnical Engineering at the National University of Malaysia whishes to admit, for a period of 18 months, a research assistant in the field of geotechnical engineering and software engineering under research grant from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia No. 01-01-02-SF0338. The monthly salary of RA is amount of RM 1,215.00.
Job description: For Geotechnical Engineering PositionThe candidate should: a) hold a degree in Civil Engineering (Geotechnics), Geological Engineering (Geophysics) or Seismological Engineering; b) have experience in the site investigation works and/or geophysical testing and signal processing ; c) have strong dedication, be strongly committed to team work and can work under research schedule; d) have strong interesting in soil dynamics, field seismic testing, nondestructive testing of spectral analysis of surface waves and field testing of SPT, CPT etc.) .
For Software Engineering PositionThe candidate should: a) hold a degree in Electrical Engineering (signal processing) with has capability in computer language program or Software/Information Technology with capability in signal processing; b) have experience in the computer programming and signal processing ; c) have strong dedication, be strongly committed to team work and can work under research schedule; d) have strong backgorund in computer programming of Matlab; and have capability for computer language of C, Basic or Fortran. e) interesting in signal processing.
The successful candidate will join in research team of the laboratory of soil dynamics and applied geotechnical engineering which is currently composed by 2 professors, 2 senior lecturers and 1 Ph.D. candidate.
The successful candidate will share research facilities that include all the equipment available in the experimental laboratory (computers, field equipments, data analysis and model simulation software). The candidate is directly asked to applied the Master of Science by Research program in the National University of Malaysia according to the field of candidate. Candidate for Geotechnical Engineering will apply to Civil & Structural Department and Candidate for Software Engineering will apply to Electrical Engineering Department.
Applicants should send a letter of intention and complete CV to the application address listed below. Email can also be used for application submission.
Application Deadline: 30-Aug-2007
Mailing Address for Applications:
Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi (Research coordinator)
The National University of Malaysia
Laboratory of Soil Dynamics and Applied Geotechnical Engineering
Department of Civil and Structural EngineeringBangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
Contact Information:
Sri Atmaja P.Rosyidi Email:
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